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Showing posts from February, 2016

Voice To Arduino 2: Control your LED using MIT speech recognizer!!!

HELLO THERE!!!     In my last post, I had posted about Voice to Arduino using the MIT appinventor speech recognizer in my instructables page. In my last experiment, the Speech recognizer was actually set to send integer values to turn on a number of LED's. In this week, I will make a special twist, I will use string command such as left 90 degrees to control a servo motor movement. Will I be able to do that? Let see..... The items needed are: 1.Arduino UNO 2.HC-06 Bluetooth Module 3. Servo Motor The software which are used in this experiment are: 1. Arduino IDE 2. MIT app inventor 2 Alright now let's see the schematics of the circuit. The circuit consists of a servo and the Bluetooth module: The Schematics of the circuit Ok, now that the circuit is assembled, I will explain the code block for the MIT app inventor first, followed by the codes for Arduino: 1. The design of the app consists of a list picker,a label and a button....

Voice to Arduino

HELLO THERE!!!     How are you, guys? I hope everybody is fine and in good condition. This week, I would like to share a post that I made in my Instructables. It is called Voice to Arduino. Basically, in this experiment, we use the speech recognition function in MIT app inventor to control the number of LED that lights up which are connected to Arduino. So, click the link and enjoy tinkering!!!! the mit app software: the experiment video:

Arduino Tinkering : Controlling multiple LED with multiple potentiometers

HELLO THERE!!!!            How are you guys? I hope everyone is fine and well always. For this week's post, I would like to share with you guys a simple tinkering on Arduino, LED, and potentiometers. The objective of the experiment is to light up different amount of LED's with different intensity by controlling two potentiometers. Before starting, of course, we need to know what items are needed. The items needed are: 1. Arduino UNO   2. 4 to 5 LEDs 3. 2 Potentiometers The software used in this experiment is: 1. Arduino IDE. Now that all the hardware and software are obtained, let's go to the schematics of the circuit. The circuit is quite simple actually. The long legs of the LED's were connected to PWM pins while the shorter legs were connected to ground. The potentiometers however have three legs. The middle leg is connected to the analog pins (A0, A1) while the other two legs were connected to 5V and GND respect...

Many Ways To Light Up LED Part 3: Arduino and Blynk

HELLO THERE!!!    Welcome to the 3rd part of the series. Today I will introduce to you guys on a powerful app, blynk. You can download the app on playstore to your smartphone. After downloading and installing the app, you need to sign up for the app to use it. Next, you need to download the blynk library for arduino from here:  . You can also try the beginner experiment there.The objective of this experiment is to control LED the brightness by using blynk to LED connected to Arduino.  Ok, now for the hardware, we need: 1.Arduino UNO   2.LED   3.Resistor (preferably 330 ohms)  For the software: 1. Arduino IDE 2.Blynk app in smartphone The circuit assembly is exactly the same as the blink project: The blink circuit assembly As usual, I am going to divide the project into two parts, The arduino sketch and the Blynk app. Firstly, let's set up the button and slider in blynk ...

Many Ways To Light Up LED Part 2: LED Control Using MIT app inventor

HELLO THERE!!!     Welcome to the part 2 of the series. Today I will share to you guys an experiment on controlling LED's by using MIT app inventor. MIT app inventor is an app inventor by using code blocks. It requires less code knowledge and easy to begin with.In this experiment, I am going to use the slider function on MIT app inventor to control LED brightness. Ok. now let's get to the items used: 1. Arduino UNO 2.LED 3.330 ohm resistor 4. HC-06 bluetooth module 5.Smartphone Software Used: 1. Arduino IDE 2.MIT app inventor 2 Now, that the Items are obtained, lets assemble the circuit!! The image below illustrates the circuit assembly: The assembly of the circuit The Connection: Bluetooth: TX----> RX of Arduino(Unplug when uploading code) RX----->TX of Arduino(Unplug when uploading code) VCC---->5V GND----> Ground(GND) Now that is done, lets divide the code into two parts...

Many Ways To Light Up LED Part 1: LED Control Using Keyboard and Arduino

HELLO THERE!!!       How are you guys? I hope everybody's fine always. Today I would like to share with you guys one of the experiments that I made during my free time. There are many ways in lighting up a LED and I would like to share with you guys some of it. In this series I would like to show you guys first on lighting up LED using keyboard control, using bluetooth module, and android app Blynk.        For this experiment, the items needed is: 1. Arduino UNO 2. LED 3. A 330 ohms resistor (recommended but not used in this experiment) The software that are used : 1. Arduino IDE : download here: 2. Processing IDE  : download here: Now that the software and the hardware are obtained, let's go to the set up of the circuit. The circuit has no difference if compared to the Blink! circuit set-up: The circuit for this ex...

Arduino Beginner Experiments: The Blink!!!

HELLO THERE!!!!       What a beautiful day today, I hope anybody reading this article is fine and happy always. I would like to share one of the most simple experiments that I actually did while tinkering with arduino. The main aim of this experiment will be to: 1. Familiarize with the Arduino IDE environment 2. To light up an LED by coding in Arduino Ok, now lets go to the hardwares/softwares needed for this experiment. Hardware: 1. Arduino UNO 2. LED 3. Resistor (330 ohms should be fine) The LED and the resistor is optional. This is because the Arduino has a LED at pin 13 which can be used in this experiment. Software: 1.Arduino IDE You can download the IDE here:  Alright, now that the hardware and software requirements are done, let's go to the circuit assembly. If you do not have any LED and resistor, just plug in the arduino into your computer/laptop.There is a LED right off...
HELLO THERE!!!!       Well, this is my first post in here. About me a little bit would suffice as an introduction. I am Halim, Malaysian, in early 20's, engineering student. My hobbies ranging from tinkering with arduino stuffs to making flowers using beads. Well, I suppose i could share some of my writings here also. I also have an instructables page where I share my Arduino tinkering projects over yonder. I am planning to share tutorials about my hobbies and my tinkerings in this blog and I hope anybody reading the blog could get benefits from it. Well, I think that's good enough as an introductory post. Oh, wait!! I'll give you links for my instructables experiments: 1. 2. 3. 4.