HELLO THERE!!! In my last post, I had posted about Voice to Arduino using the MIT appinventor speech recognizer in my instructables page. In my last experiment, the Speech recognizer was actually set to send integer values to turn on a number of LED's. In this week, I will make a special twist, I will use string command such as left 90 degrees to control a servo motor movement. Will I be able to do that? Let see..... The items needed are: 1.Arduino UNO 2.HC-06 Bluetooth Module 3. Servo Motor The software which are used in this experiment are: 1. Arduino IDE 2. MIT app inventor 2 Alright now let's see the schematics of the circuit. The circuit consists of a servo and the Bluetooth module: The Schematics of the circuit Ok, now that the circuit is assembled, I will explain the code block for the MIT app inventor first, followed by the codes for Arduino: 1. The design of the app consists of a list picker,a label and a button....
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