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Arduino and Keyes KY-017 Mercury Tilt Sensor


    How are you guys? I hope everyone is fine and good as always. I am back in tinkering after a few months of hiatus( busy stuff :) ). So, today i would like to share with you guys on KY-017, which is a Keyes Mercury Tilt Sensor.

KY-017 Sensor


     The picture above shows the KY-017 Sensor from Keyes. It has 3 pins, A ground, A vcc, and A signal pin. If you look closely, there is a mercury ball inside the bulb like object. The mercury ball acts like a switch for this sensor.

KY-017 Working Procedure:

1. When the sensor is not tilted, the mercury ball will be at the bottom of the bulb. This will complete the circuit and turns on the LED of the sensor. The output that is sent through the signal pin will be LOW.
2.When the sensor is tilted, the mercury ball will be at the top of the bulb(near at the sharper end). This will complete break circuit and turns off the LED of the sensor. The output that is sent through the signal pin will be HIGH.

Experimenting on Arduino:

Hardware Needed:
1. Arduino UNO(you can also use other Arduino Variants)
2.KY-017 Mercury Tilt Sensor:

Connecting to Arduino:

Sensor                                          Arduino
--------                                         ------------

S------------------------------------>any Digital Pin
Middle pin("+")------------------>5v

Coding The Arduino:

int tilt =7;// tilt sensor at digital pin 7
int led = 13;//initialize the built-in led in pin 13
int val;//an empty value to store variable

void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600);//bps(baud rate per second) at 9600bps

pinMode(led,OUTPUT);//initialize the built in led as output


void loop() {
val=digitalRead(tilt);//store the sensor value that is read at pin 7 in variable val
if(val==HIGH)//if the value stored is high

  Serial.println("sensor Tilted");//print a line with sensor tilted
  digitalWrite(led,LOW);//turn off the led and vice versa


  Serial.println("sensor not tilted");


You can see that I had coded the Arduino to turn off the LED if the value is HIGH and vice versa. Feel free to change it as you want. Tilt(you can also shake like I did) the sensor to observe the values.

The Output:

 Here are the sample output that I had get while doing this experiment:

Well, That's all from me guys.  Next week, I am planning to share with you guys on the standard tilt sensor.Hope to see you next week. Till then, HAPPY TINKERING!!!


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