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Showing posts from November, 2016

Mixing Color with RGB LED!!

HELLO THERE!!!     Hi everybody!! How are you guys? This week, I am going to share with you guys a fun experiment that I did during the weekends. The objective of this experiment is to use the RGB LED to output different colors. Without wasting further time, let's get into the experiment!! HARDWARE: 1.Arduino UNO 2. 3 Potentiometer 3. RGB LED ( I used the Keyes RGB LED) SOFTWARE: 1.Arduino IDE CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY:   By referring to the image below: The RGB LED has 4 pins, 1 GND, 1 pin each for the color red, green and blue. RGB LED                      ----------> ARDUINO  GND(- sign of the pin)                  GND R,G,B                                              Any Digital pin(I used pin 9,10 and 11) T...

Arduino Beginner Experiments: Arduino and Light Blocking Sensor

HELLO THERE!!!     How are you guys? I hope everyone is fine and in a good mood always. This week, I would like to share with you guys my experiment on Arduino and Light Blocking Sensor. The objective of this experiment is to receive feedback from the sensor ( Digital and Analog) What is Light Blocking Sensor?      A linear hall sensor is a type of sensor which responds when the sensor is blocked out from light. The sensor is different for LDR's as LDR's responds to the amount of light it received while the light blocking sensor responds if the light is blocked out or not from the sensor.It can be used for both digital and analog measurements. HARDWARE: 1.Arduino UNO 2. Light Blocking Sensor SOFTWARE: 1.Arduino IDE CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY   Let's refer to the image of the blocking sensor below: The Connection of the Sensor to the Arduino is shown below: SENSOR  ----->       ARDUINO Signal   ...