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Showing posts from September, 2016

Arduino Beginner Experiments: Graphing and Data Logging Big Sound Sensor Data

HELLO THERE!!!       How are you guys? I hope everyone is fine and in good mood always. This week, I wanted to show you guys an experiment I made throughout the weekend. Continuation of last week's experiment, this week, I decided to make a graph out of my output and log the data into a SDcard. Let's get to the specifics without wasting any further time. HARDWARE: 1.Arduino UNO 2.Big Sound Sensor 3. Ethernet Shield/ MicroSD Shield/ Any board with Micro SD slot ( I used and will concentrate the ethernet Shield for this post) 4.MicroSD Card SOFTWARE: 1.Arduino IDE 2.Processing IDE (download here: CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY: OK,  the circuit is assembled as follows: 1. Plug in the Ethernet Shield on top of your Arduino 2. Connect the Big Sound sensor as follows: SENSOR                                   ARDUINO A0 ...

Arduino Beginner Experiments: Arduino and Big Sound Sensor

HELLO THERE!!!         How are you guys? I hope everyone is fine and good always. This week I would like share with you guys an experiment on arduino and big sound sensor (also known as sound sensor). The objective of this experiment to control a LED brightness by using the sound sensor.  So, without any delays, let's jump in to the experiment!!!! HARDWARE: 1.Arduino UNO 2. LED(you can also use the LED in Arduino itself) 3.Big Sound Sensor SOFTWARE: 1.Arduino IDE CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY 1.  Connect the LED to the Arduino. The long leg(+ve) to the pin 13(or any other digital pin) and the short leg(-ve) to GND 2. For the big sound let's refer to the image below:    From the image shown, there are 4 pins, A0(analog pin), D0(digital pin), +(+ve pin), G(GND pin). So, we are going to use the analog pin in this experiment, the assembly is as follows: SENSOR               ...

Arduino Systems: Simple Bluetooth Door Lock

HELLO THERE!!    How are you guys? As usual, I hope everyone is fine and in good mood always. This week, I would like to share with you guys a simple system I made through out the weekend, a simple bluetooth door lock. Without further wasting our time, let's get straight to requirements of the system. HARDWARE: 1. ARDUINO UNO 2. HC-06 BLUETOOTH MODULE 3.SERVO MOTOR 4.DOOR LATCH/DOOR LOCK( I used the door lock as shown in the image below) 5.THIN GAUGE WIRE/THIN STEEL WIRE/ KEYCHAIN RING SOFTWARE: 1. ARDUINO IDE 2.MIT APP INVENTOR CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY:   What  I did first is to tie or attach the servo motor to the latch as shown in the image below . After tying in the servo with the latch, the servo must be put in a suitable position( preferably in the middle of the latch) so that the open/close motion can be achieved properly. The connection of the servo with other peripherals of the circuit is shown below: COD...

Arduino and Multi Function Shield: Pots,LEDs and buzzers

HELLO THERE!!!!!    How are you guys? I hope everyone is fine and in good mood always. This week, I continue my tinkerings with the Multi Function Shield. In this experiment, I used the potentiometer in the shield to control the LEDs in the shield. Without further wasting time, let's jump in straight to the experiment!! HARDWARE 1.ARDUINO UNO  2.MULTI-FUNCTION SHIELD SOFTWARE: 1. ARDUINO IDE CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY    The circuit assembly is fairly simple. Just attach the multi function shield on top of Arduino properly. Please attach the shield properly as failure to do so would cause the shield  not to function as intended. CODING THE ARDUINO: Let's refer to the multi-function shield image below: Referring to the image of the shield, it can be seen that the potentiometer (blue object near buttons) is connected to pin A0 (analog 0)     int pot = A0; //declaring the pot ...