HELLO THERE!!! How are you guys? I hope everyone is fine and in good mood always. This week, I wanted to show you guys an experiment I made throughout the weekend. Continuation of last week's experiment, this week, I decided to make a graph out of my output and log the data into a SDcard. Let's get to the specifics without wasting any further time. HARDWARE: 1.Arduino UNO 2.Big Sound Sensor 3. Ethernet Shield/ MicroSD Shield/ Any board with Micro SD slot ( I used and will concentrate the ethernet Shield for this post) 4.MicroSD Card SOFTWARE: 1.Arduino IDE 2.Processing IDE (download here:https://processing.org/download/) CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY: OK, the circuit is assembled as follows: 1. Plug in the Ethernet Shield on top of your Arduino 2. Connect the Big Sound sensor as follows: SENSOR ARDUINO A0 ...
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