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Showing posts from June, 2016

Intro To Macro: A simple Calculator

HELLO THERE!!!!            How are you guys? I hope everyone is fine and happy always. This week I will continue my experimentation on the Excel Macro. I will introduce you guys on how to make a simple calculator using the Macro. The calculator will be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Before anything let's see what is needed for this experiment. SOFTWARE: 1. Microsoft Excel Steps on how to open the developer tab and how to add Action X button is shown in the last week's post. Ok, now let's get straight to the point. First, add 4 Action X button in the Excel Spreadsheet. 4 Action X button; namely add,subtract,multiply and divide Next, double click on the addition button ( make sure you are in the design mode). A Microsoft  Visual Basic for Application pane will pop up. In here, we can code our buttons to perform what we want. The Visual Basic window Pane. Now that's done, let's code the add button. Ok, the add button in this experime

Intro To Macro: Lets move the cell pointer!!!

HELLO THERE!!!        How are you,guys? I hope everyone is fine and good always. This week I will introduce you guys to a new programming sort of feature I found when I was using Excel quiet some time ago. The feature actually simplifies your job when you have a lot of data in your Excel file. The feature is known as Excel Macro. There are many applications on how to use the macro that you can find on the net. For this post, I am going to show you guys on how to move the cell selector(the darkbox thing) to left,right,up and down. Firstly, what you need is an Excel form. Next, you need to turn on developer tab. On how to do this, please do as instructed as in the link shown.   The developer tab of Excel Next let's add some button. If you see, there are two types of buttons, one is forms button and another one is activex button. Choose the activex button and draw 4 buttons on your form. Choose the a