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Showing posts from March, 2016

Interfacing Arduino and DFrobot LCD

HELLO THERE!!!     Welcome to the Tinker Hut!!! How are you,guys? I hope everyone is fine and in good condition always. As usual, this week I am going to share with you guys on interfacing of Arduino and DFrobot LCD keypad shield. The objective of this experiment is to setup the LCD shield to Arduino and get the buttons to display some text outputs after pressed.   Ok, let's see the hardware and the software needed for this experiment. Hardware: Arduino UNO( I am using Arduino Leonardo)   LCD Keypad Shield(I am using DFrobot LCD Keypad Shield) Software: Arduino IDE Now the hardware and the software are sorted out, let's see the assembly of the circuit. Just insert the pins of the shield directly on the Arduino. Make sure the pins were inserted properly and correctly like the image shown below: After assembly, connect your Arduino to your laptop/computer. If the shield is connected properly, the LCD and the red light(powe...

Arduino System: Reverse Parking Sensor

HELLO THERE!!!!       How are you, guys? I hope everybody is fine and happy always. This week I am going to share to all of you to a simple system I made while learning the Arduino. I like to call it the reverse parking sensor. Basically, what the system do is that it detect distance(via HC-SR04) and produce readable output(via serial monitor) and audible output(via speaker). The items needed to build this system is: Hardware: 1.Arduino (I used arduino Leonardo because my Arduino UNO is in another project) 2.HC-SR04 module 3.Piezo speaker Software 1.Arduino IDE Now, the schematics of the circuit is fairly simple as shown below: The connections: HC-SR04 to Arduino: VCC-->5V GND-->GND echo-->pin 10 trig-->pin 9 Piezo to Arduino: Red wire-->pin 4 black wire-->GND Ok, the circuit assembly is done, what's next? The code of course!! The Arduino code for this system is a bit long but don't worry be...

Many Ways To Light Up LED Part 4: LED Control Using Mouse and Arduino

HELLO THERE!!!!        How are you guys? I hope everyone is fine and good always. This week, I would like to share with you guys on controlling LED by using Arduino and Processing. Last month, I have shown nearly similar experiment but by using keyboard. The output of this experiment will be the on/off of LED when mouse is clicked. I had done this experiment quite a long time ago and decided to share with  you guys.      Ok, first things first, the items needed for this experiment. Hardware: 1. Arduino UNO( or any Arduino) 2. LED 3.330 ohm resistor recommended Software: 1.Arduino IDE 2. Processing IDE Ok now, that's done, let's see how does the circuit is assembled. The circuit assembly is similar to the blink experiment. The assembly of the circuit Pretty easy right? Now, let's get going to the code. The code is divided into two part, Arduino and Processing. Now the Arduino code: char va...

Leonardo Experiments: Control Your Mouse Using Keyboard

HELLO THERE!!!!   How are you guys? I hope everyone is fine and good always. This week, I will share with you guys an experiment that is made using Arduino Leonardo. I had just bought Arduino Leonardo and tried tinkering with it. The objective of this experiment is to control the mouse movement  using keyboard output via Leonardo. Well, lets see what hardware and software needed for this experiment: Software: 1. Arduino IDE 2. Processing IDE Hardware: 1. Arduino Leonardo There are two parts of programming in this experiment, one in the processing IDE, one in the Arduino IDE. Now the code for the Processing IDE: import processing.serial.*;// so that we can connect to arduino Serial port; void setup() {   size(200,200);//size of the window created port = new Serial(this, "COM16", 9600);//declaring our port that arduino uses } void draw() { } void keyPressed()//this part shows the program for the keyboard key to be pressed ...